Kristian Skrede Gleditsch

These data provide estimates of trade flows between independent states (1948-2000) and GDP per capita of independent states (1950-2011)

  Download the current version: Download the current version (4.1) of the expanded GDP and Trade Data (first posted on 21 July 2004)
  Updated GDP data to 2011: I am in the process of updating these data to 2011, for now you can download GDP and population data updated to 2011 (6.0 beta) (link posted on 25 November 2013). See the readme for details on major changes to the population figures over PWT and previous versions of these data
  Documentation: These data are explained in greater detail in Gleditsch, Kristian S. 2002. "Expanded Trade and GDP Data," Journal of Conflict Resolution 46: 712-24.

Copyright reasons preclude making the article available on-line. If you are at an institution with a library that subscribes to the journal, you can probably download a copy from Ingenta. See my note on online access (below).

This document provides a non-technical summary of the main changes between the version of the data (2.0) described in the published article and the current version. The Perl code used to generate the data is available here. Users are warned that this code is only sparsely documented and may be platform dependent. The current data were generated on a system running RedHat Linux 7.2

  Note on opening the data: These data files are too large to be opened in Microsoft Excel. Use a plain ascii editor, for example, the Programmer's File Editor available here.


I have previously provided copies of articles online. However, many journals consider this to be an infringment of their copyright rights, and are increasingly concerned about enforcing these. As a result, I will no longer provide access on this page to any papers that either have been published or have been accepted for publication.

If you are affiliated with an academic institution that subscribes to the particular journal you may be able to download an electronic copy through an electronic access providers. The most common access providers include Ingenta, EBSCO, or Nesli (in the UK). Contact your local librarian to find out if your institution subscribes to any of these.

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